
Peer pressure

Journal Writing
1. Cite one experience wherein you have experienced negative peer pressure.
2. How did you react to it? Why?
3. How did you feel about your reaction/decision?
4. What have you learned/realized from your experience?

I experienced peer pressure from my aunties because they were forcing me before to take up nursing, which I do not want. I explained to them, that I will not be happy if I will spend my whole four years of taking that course which I do not want to. So, I decided for myself because this is what I really wanted to, a course which is related to communication, with a photography and animation course, AB Com MMA.

I realized that though someone do not want the things I want for myself, explanation is all they need.



1. How do you describe a responsible person?
2. What are your responsibilities a) at home, b) in school c) in your community?

A responsible person always manage his/ her time, and finish the most important to thing to do up to the least one.

My responsibilities at home is to obey my parents and in school is to study and also to obey the rules. In community, is to always do the right thing and live normally.

Personal Health Assessment

Review the results of your personal health assessment and write your realizations and plans about your health in your journal.

I realize that I am not physically healthy.


a. What challenge did you take?
b. Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?
c. What have you realized/learned from your experience?

Though I'm weak at math, I challenge myself in learning from it. I have answered questions, and its nice to know that I am now learning on this subject compare to my high school days. I realized that when your weak of something, push yourself into it and you will learn from it.

“The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished”

The most challenging thing I have ever accomplished is the group project we had on my high school days, its a group project but I did all the research, the analyzing, the typing, the organizing. Its so hard because my group is depending on me, if I did a project that is not that good, all the blame is on me, but thank God I did it well, we got high grade.

Doable Daily weekly schedule

1. Develop a doable daily and weekly schedule.
a. Daily schedule includes time for rising in the morning, self preparations including meals/merienda, school hours, time for travel going to school, length of time staying at school, doing assignments, reviewing lessons or advance academic preparations, sports/ leisure and rest/sleeping.
b. Weekly schedule includes your class schedules, appointments/meetings, academic preparation.

7am to 9am- Rising in the morning
fixing bed
going to the comfort room
and having breakfast

9am to 11am- finish assignments

11am to 12pm- fix my bag for school
take a bath

12 to 12:30pm- lunch

12:30 to 1:00pm- time for travel going to school

1:00 to 5:30pm- DAD laboratory class

5:30 to 6:30pm- time for travel going home

6:30 to 7:30pm- do assignments

7:30 to 8pm- dinner

8pm to 7am- sleeping hours

7am to 9am- Rising in the morning
fixing bed
taking a bath
and having breakfast

9am to 9:30am- finish assignments

9:30am to 10am- time for travel going to school

10:am to 1:00pm - IT laboratory class

1pm to 2:30pm- Math class

2:30- 4:00- Humanities class

4:00 to 5:30- Values Education class

5:30 to 6:30pm- time for travel going home

6:30 to 7:30pm- do assignments

7:30 to 8pm- dinner

8pm to 7am- sleeping hours


7am to 9am- Rising in the morning
fixing bed
going to the comfort room
and having breakfast

9am to 11am- finish assignments

11am to 12pm- lunch

12 to 3pm- siesta

3 to 3:30pm- take a bath

3:30 to 4:00pm- time for travel for going to school

4:00 to 5:30pm- Filipino class

5:30 to 6:30pm- time for travel going home

6:30 to 7:30pm- do assignments

7:30 to 8pm- dinner

8pm to 5am- sleeping hours


5am to 6:30am- Rising in the morning
fixing bed
taking a bath
and having breakfast

6:30 to 7am- time for travel for going to the South Point Gym

7am to 10am- PE class

10am to 12:50pm- lunch and tambay sa SP

1pm to 2:30pm- Math class

2:30- 4:00- Humanities class

4:00 to 5:30- English class

5:30 to 6:30pm- time for travel going home

6:30 to 7:30pm- do assignments

7:30 to 8pm- dinner

8pm to 7am- sleeping hours

7am to 9am- Rising in the morning
fixing bed
going to the comfort room
and having breakfast

9am to 11am- finish assignments

11am to 12pm- fix my bag for school
take a bath

12pm to 12:30pm- lunch

12:30 to 1:00pm- time for travel going to school

1pm to 4:00pm- DAD lecture class

4pm to 5:30pm- Filipino class

5:30 to 6:30pm- time for travel going home

6:30 to 7:30pm- do assignments

7:30 to 8pm- dinner

8pm to 7am- sleeping hours


7am to 9am- Rising in the morning
fixing bed
taking a bath
and having breakfast

9am to 9:30am- finish assignments

9:30am to 10am- time for travel going to school

10:am to 1:00pm - IT laboratory class

1pm to 2:30pm- Math class

2:30- 4:00- Humanities class

4:00 to 5:30- English class

5:30 to 6:30pm- time for travel going home

6:30 to 7:30pm- do assignments

7:30 to 8pm- dinner

8pm to 10pm- do things I want to do

10pm to 8am- Rising in the morning
fixing bed
taking a bath
and having breakfast

8am to 8:30am- take a bath

8:30 to 9:am- travel time for going to church

9am to 12pm- church

12pm to 3pm- lunch and tambay sa church

3pm to 3:30pm- time travel for going to NSTP class

3:30 to 5:30pm- NSTP class

5:30 to 6:30pm- time for travel going home

6:30 to 7:30pm- do assignments

7:30 to 8pm- dinner

8pm to 7am- sleeping hours


If you will have one outstanding virtue, what would you want it to be? Why?

My outstanding character trait is I never quit to a thing I really want to have.
5. Do you have any adjustment you feel you are going through or must go through? What are they? Cite examples in terms in your academics, emotions, and social environment.

Yes, being a college student, a freshman, that's too much adjustment. New professors, new subjects and new friends.
4. How do you find your courses? Which ones do you think are easy and which ones do you think are a little bit challenging? Why?

For me, no course in this program is easy, they're all challenging. Because We all have to do our best.
3. Describe your blockmates/section. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of your section?

Different attitudes, that's why that made us, as a unique individual, that's our strength.

And our weakness? Maybe, We're just having too much fun.
2. Describe your professors. What are traits do you find positive in each one?

Some of them are jokers, and some are strict, but that made us students to study hard.
1. How was your first week of stay at MCL?

It's nice to know new people. Though its hard to adjust. It's still fun because I'm encountering new people, professors, students, even the DO-IT team, or even the guards.
2. What is the importance of Values Education?

The Values of each one of us.Values shapes our relationships, our behaviors, our choices, and our sense of who we are. The more positive our values, the most positive our actions. This is one of the reasons why values education is being taught or included in both elementary and Secondary levels because it plays a great role for students' becoming successful in their own choice of careers. Values perse, is the anchor to a person who dreams successfully in life.
1. In the first few days you've spent in MCL, how would you compare your highschool life to what you envisioned college life to be?

College life now is a serious life, compare to High School life, all I know before is having fun, I'm not that sincere in studying at High School, but now I envisioned College life to be more exciting.